Wednesday, May 27, 2020

ORDE 2019-2020 Seminar Videos

A couple of weeks ago, we had our last e-seminar of the spring semester. But, in case you missed it or any of our other seminars this year, you can now find recordings for most on our Vimeo page. We've had some good ones this year, so I wanted to highlight my favorites and encourage you to check them out!

Grant-Writing for the Layperson (Non-expert)
In this seminar, Rachel Sturtz, our resident Research Communications Specialist and Journalist, and I offer strategies for making your grant writing more accessible and easier to read. We offer examples from NIH and NSF proposals and workshop these examples to demonstrate how they could be written more clearly. We offer little tips for implementing these best practices into your own grant writing.

Grant Writing Symposium
Our Fall 2019 Grant Writing Symposium on the Anschutz Medical Campus was like three seminars in one - and so is the video. It begins with me giving an overview of the grant development cycle. Then, Adit Ginde, Professor in the School of Medicine, offers points on how to engage and work with Program Officers to hone your proposal. Jennifer Kemp, Director of Research in the Department of Medicine, offers strategies for crafting a competitive Specific Aims page. Andrew Thorburn, Professor in the School of Medicine closes with a presentation on 'What Reviewers Really Want."

These seasoned faculty members offer clear strategies in these key aspects of grant development, as well as their own personal experiences and insights to help you build your grants game!

Revising and Resubmitting Your Grant Proposal
In this seminar, Jean Scandlyn, Associate Professor in Health and Behavioral Sciences and I discuss how to accept feedback from reviewers (even when it comes with rejection) and use it, along with your Program Officer's advice to revise and resubmit a more robust and competitive proposal.

Stay tuned for our upcoming e-seminars, but in the meantime, catch up on some oldies but goodies!

ORDE highlighted seminar recordings
ORDE Vimeo page

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