Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Project Overviews and Specific Aims

This spring, we offered a seminar on Writing Your Project Overview and one on Writing Your Specific Aims with Chris Phiel, Associate Professor of Integrative Biology and Sonia Flores, Professor in the School of Medicine (respectively). We now have the videos from those seminars edited and up on our vimeo site. Please check them out!

Denver: Writing a Project Overview
Faculty Expert: Chris Phiel, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology

Reviewers tend to make up their minds as to whether they like or don’t like a grant proposal upon reading the first page. This makes your project overview, whether it be Specific Aims or a Project Summary, essential in terms of hooking your reviewer and getting them excited about your work. Join us for this seminar where you will learn how to craft your project overview to be clear and compelling.

AMC: Writing Your Specific Aims
Faculty Expert: Sonia Flores, Professor, School of Medicine

The Specific Aims is the most crucial component of your NIH grant proposal. It is the first thing the reviewers assigned to your proposal look at, and for those reviewers not assigned to your proposal, it is often the only thing they see of your proposal before scoring it. In this seminar, you will learn how to craft your Specific Aims and you will hear from a seasoned PI on their experience with Specific Aims from a PI and Reviewer perspective.

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